
"Future today" - Strengthening and expansion of "WINNET Armenia" network in regions

23 December 2023

I am "WINNET Armenia" network of women's resource centers, stronger and more stable thanks to "Future Today". During the amazing journey of the "Future Today" program, which started in Armenia three years ago, I also weaved my own success story. The story was woven by the hands of dreamers, with the cooperation of the United Nations Population Fund and the European Union.
My journey began with the expansion of the "WINNET Armenia" network: 3 new centers were established in Tavush, Lori and Shirak regions of Armenia. The centers serve as a platform for women to cultivate new skills, deal with economic activities, protect women's rights and participate in local governance.


The educational visit of "WINNET Gyumri" by "WINNET Berd" to the NE Park of the Girl Child established in the "Soranner" Arboretum of Berd, which was organized within the framework of the "Future Today" program, in 2023.


"Creating opportunities for women is the main cornerstone of our activity. Our efforts are aimed at encouraging women to apply their knowledge and experience where they have the best potential. That's why we implement various projects of training, exchange of experience and mentoring," - says Ruzanna Torozyan, president of "WINNET Armenia" network.


The activities in Syunik Region aimed at the economic and political empowerment of women in Armenia provided an opportunity to support newly established centers and share best practices through a series of capacity building activities, familiarization visits and national coordinating meetings and workshops. Initiatives aimed at promoting women's empowerment and gender equality in Armenia will be enhanced by integrating successful international experiences and policies.


During the project, capacity building of the newly established centers to develop and implement social entrepreneurship ideas was the next stop on my journey. It is important for ensuring the stability and continuity of the centers. All the newly established centers worked towards the creation of social entrepreneurship.


Increasing the capacity, role, visibility and influence of the "WINNET Armenia" network and its members through the use of Internet capabilities and tools was also an important stop on the journey in terms of efforts aimed at empowering women at various levels through the effective implementation of gender policies.


“Every empowered woman is another substantial brick in the foundation of the development of our society. At UNFPA, we are committed to the idea that every person should have the opportunity to realize their dreams and potential. That path must be taken by uniting all our efforts,” emphasizes Tsovinar Harutyunyan, Head of Office, UNFPA Armenia CO.


Thanks to "Future Today", the 3 new centers that are members of the "WINNET Armenia" network are acting in their communities with initiatives and programs aimed at the empowerment and progress of young armenian women and girls, proving that women can do more.


“The program allowed us to increase our online presence by organizing an extensive communications campaign and completely updating the “WINNET Armenia” official website.” - noted by Anna Aleksanyan, Project Coordinator at “WINNET Armenia”


This amazing journey was full of both achievements and obstacles, but with equal opportunities for all, our vision of building a safe, prosperous and democratic society, the faith and support of "Future Today" and the potential and ideas of regional women helped bring that journey to its conclusion.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union within the framework of the EU-funded "FUTURE TODAY: Empowering women, youth and children for deepening democracy in Armenia" Project. Its contents are the sole responsibility of “WINNET Armenia” Network of Women Resource Centers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and UNFPA Armenia.

Վերջին իրադարձությունները


Ավարտվեց «Սոցիալական բիզնես մոդելավորում» դասընթացների շարքը Գյումրիում

Արդեն 10 տարի է, ինչ ՄԱԿ-ը հոկտեմբերի 11-ը հայտարարել է աղջիկ երեխաների միջազգային օր՝ խոսելու աղջիկների իրավունքների և այն առանձնահատուկ խնդիրների մասին, որոնց առնչվում են նրանք։


Ավարտվեց «Սոցիալական բիզնես մոդելավորում» դասընթացների շարքը Գյումրիում

Արդեն 10 տարի է, ինչ ՄԱԿ-ը հոկտեմբերի 11-ը հայտարարել է աղջիկ երեխաների միջազգային օր՝ խոսելու աղջիկների իրավունքների և այն առանձնահատուկ խնդիրների մասին, որոնց առնչվում են նրանք։


Ավարտվեց «Սոցիալական բիզնես մոդելավորում» դասընթացների շարքը Գյումրիում

Արդեն 10 տարի է, ինչ ՄԱԿ-ը հոկտեմբերի 11-ը հայտարարել է աղջիկ երեխաների միջազգային օր՝ խոսելու աղջիկների իրավունքների և այն առանձնահատուկ խնդիրների մասին, որոնց առնչվում են նրանք։

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